True dat.

It's Sunday


According to the news my celebrity crush has a new gf. So my heart is breaking at the moment, haha! 

Well. Yeah...

Just seeing his name bring tears to my eyes. 

So I wrote to him today, asking if he could remove me. From his snapchat-friendlist. Since it actually hurts me, just to see his name, when he asked me to stop talking to him before.
But the things that he said to me today, when I wrote to him. He keeps linger me in. Making that fire inside of me grow bigger. Even though I just want it to stop. What if it is an eternal flame, what should I do then...? 

Worst part is, I don't even know if he is just making a joke out of me, being ironic or just don't have anything else to do. But I know that I deep down, not so deep really, it's really just beneath the surface. I know that I want him to mean the things he says, and that I want him.

Why does he do that me...? I want to know. What could've been. 

That moment has passed...

...a long time ago.

Vill vara stark nog.

Jag skrev till Simon igår. Skrev att jag förlät honom. Men att jag inte är dum nog att lita på honom igen. 
Det finns en del av mig som vill försöka gå vidare, men en annan del som gärna stannar upp, ser efter om han försöker kämpa för mig och som vill ge honom en chans till. 
Men! Jag vill gå vidare. Men skulle jag vara med någon annan så skulle jag känna mig skyldig. Även nu. För även om han har gjort som han har gjort så vill JAG fortfarande inte såra honom. Så om jag skulle vara med någon annan och han får reda på det, så hoppas jag att han förstår att det inte är för att vara dum eller för att hämnas. Utan att det helt enkelt är jag, som är stark nog för att gå vidare. 
Jag vill inte vara en person som bara står och trampar på samma ställe utan att komma någonstans.
Jag har en tendens till att stanna upp mitt liv för människor, även för sådana jag knappt känner, som jag smickrat mig själv med i mitt bakhuvud och fått för mig att dem är intresserade av mig. Även då så har jag svårt att göra någonting med någon annan. För det sista jag vill är att såra någon. Spelar ingen roll vem. 
För vem älskar inte världens bästa isbit liksom? ;) 

Smeknamn som jag har:
!$ [is], som jag kallas av min ginger till bff
Tyke, som jag kallas av några äldre studenter. Varför kan ni ju fundera på!
Persbrandt, som mina klasskamrater kallar mig, för Lina drar tydligen en lina?
Sedan tror jag inte att det finns några fler smeknamn, som inte används alltför ofta i alla fall. Som typ ADHD, Linis, bogseringslina (som pappa säger), lantis, katten etc. 

Night Changes

The Night Changes music video is out!
I loved it. I watched it and wished that I was the girl they're with. And then it all took a turn, which was unexpected and which I was not prepared for at all. 
It was amazing anyways,

The Fault in our Stars

I've just finished watching The Fault in our Stars, and oh my god what a wonderful movie. Seriously..
Favorite quotes in the movie, even if there was a lot of them.

There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it.

If you want the rainbow you have to deal with the rain.

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.… I cannot tell you how grateful I am for our little infinity. You gave me forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.


OMG! Seriously, I loved this movie soooo much



4,5/5 isbitar!






Now it's only one day left until the music video is out. My expectations are really high on this one, but they haven't let me down before so... ;)

No Fixed Address

In the middle of all this 1D-hysteria, Nickelback has also released a new album No Fixed Address. It's pretty okay actually.
Today is the last shortcut and tomorrow the Night Changes video is going to be released. Can't wait, just Harry left now.




True story.

"I'm good and smart enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again." 




Feeling excited yet? The boys, sorry, MEN, looks so gorgeous...


I'm walking to school as usual, on just a casual monday, I'm putting the headset in my ears, and putting on my One Direction-playlist. Just realise that it is far from a casual monday! 
The album FOUR is now out on Spotify! So here I am walking, just enjoying this wonderful, new music of theirs. And I can seriously say that I love it! They are getting better and better by every album! 

5 days to go!

Apparently they're releasing a music video to the single Night changes on the 21th of November. So now we've got something more to look forward to. Me on the other hand can't wait to see the shortcut of Harry. 
Who is your favorite of the boys?


Just one day left until the release of their album FOUR!!

First things first!

So there's only two days left until the release of One Direction's latest album FOUR! "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!" Hoho, humour...
Anyways, so far they have released the following singles. Fireproof, which was free to download from iTunes for 24 hours. Steal my girl, which they've even made a music video for already and I looove it! Especially when Harry starts singing and he's looking all handsome. I also love the part where Niall is dancing and jumping around with the Masai people. It's just an incredibly amazing music video! 
This weekend they have also released Night changes after their first performance with it for the BBC 'Children in need 2014'. It's just magical, really!
Or you can just listen to the audio right here!
So I'm pretty excited for monday!
Going to work in a couple of hours also. I'm so pissed off because of the whole "cheating"-thing. I could have been out partying this whole weekend with all my friends, and be going on the staff-trip next weekend. Which is also just an excuse to drink alcohol. F**king idiot.
LOL! *Lots of loooove,


Funderar på om man ska börja skriva inläggen på engelska istället. Just to practice my writing skills and widen my vocabulary, so to speak. Jag gillar att prata och att skriva på engelska, även att tänka på engelska. Så jag tror jag ska börja skriva på engelska, bara för att. 
Vill göra Cambridge-provet i CAE så småningom, men det har jag tänkt på i snart 2 år nu... Men någongång, när jag har tid!!
But anyways, from now on I'll be writing in english. Just to improve me, myself and I. My three favorite persons! 


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